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Saturday 11 February 2012

Transcription: Ideas Development

After my second tutorial this week I finally know what direction I want to go in. So I decided to go with my first original idea to create and environment for a children's film noir film. When doing some intial research into this idea I came across an author Anthony Horowitz that creates children novels/short stories based on noir films.

For example

- The Maltese Falcon: The Falcon's Malteser (1986)
- Public Enemy Number Two (1987)
- North by Northwest: South By South East (1991)

The one that I decided to go with was "The French Confections" .The story is the based on the film "The French Connection", a 1971 Oscar-winning film based on the real-life drug-smuggling operation between France and the United States.

When I left my tutorial with Alan, I wasn't sure if I could get hold of this book and I was worried with how long it would get here, so this idea was up in the air. But surprisingly it was delivered yesterday and I have already read the book through once. Next is to read it again and then take the description from the story and start researching into the era, the history and also the style.

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